Staying Fit in Hanoi, Vietnam


No matter where we go around the world, it’s important to us to maintain a regular exercise habit. This can sometimes be a challenge on the road, but thankfully in Hanoi, there weren’t too many barriers.

Our Morning Work Outs in Hanoi

Our morning work outs fell under one of two approaches:

1. Doing work out videos indoors that don’t require any equipment other than our laptop (check out our earlier post where we reviewed work out programs that are best for travel)

2. Joining the people of Hanoi out on the street and in the parks for a morning run

Staying Fit in Hanoi, Vietnam | Intentional Travelers

Our first experience running in Hanoi

As noted in our earlier post, How to Cross the Street in Hanoi Traffic, getting around can be somewhat daunting when you first arrive.

Nevertheless, we overcame any early concerns in order to maintain our morning exercise regimen. (And actually, once you’re familiar with how things run in the city, it’s very easy to get around.)

Our friends pointed us toward a nearby lake with a park around it as a safe place where we could jog in the mornings.

We woke up at dawn, thankful to find that traffic was very light so we had no trouble crossing the big intersection. When we arrived at the park, we were shocked to find it buzzing with activity.

Staying Fit in Hanoi, Vietnam | Intentional Travelers

Groups of 25 to 50 women were gathered in the open areas “dancercising” to music over a loudspeaker. It was quite a sight to see so many, young and old, thrusting hips and waving arms to a techno beat.

Staying Fit in Hanoi, Vietnam | Intentional Travelers

The path along the lake was full of walkers and a few joggers. Off the path, disperesed out every few yards, there were people stretching or wiggling their limbs.

Another group faced the water with soothing meditative music and practiced something that resembled tai chi.

Staying Fit in Hanoi, Vietnam | Intentional Travelers

The most interesting group was about twelve women, probably in their 60’s, who sometimes did an exercise that involved massaging their knees while laughing heartily out loud.

We could always hear them before we saw them, as we rounded the corner of the lake. I suppose it’s a good exercise for the diaphragm. I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself.

In two different areas, the park had permanent exercise equipment made of metal bars. Pull up bars I’d seen before, but there were even ones that were like a mechanical version of an elliptical, with variations to mobilize different parts of your body. 

In the first area, there were always young men on the equipment, looking like gymnasts in training. The second area was a mix of middle-age to elderly folks.

Staying Fit in Hanoi, Vietnam | Intentional Travelers

Most mornings there was also a game of soccer and volleyball (both played concrete), as well as small groups of people practicing badminton in random places.

The second morning we went for a run, we decided to explore another nearby lake that we had seen on the map. Sure enough, people were walking there, too. And others were stretching and loosening their limbs while looking out at the water.

There was even another set of dancercising ladies, with their leader calling out each move on a microphone from the median of the street.

So apparently, exercise is a habit for many in Hanoi, especially the elderly. It was nice for us to be in a place where running didn’t make us stand out and where there are accessible, safe places to go – which isn’t always the case in every place we travel.

Tips on How to Maintain Fitness while Traveling

Staying fit and healthy while traveling is hard. Here’s some tips that can help maintain a regular exercise habit:

1. Prioritize Sleep. Adjust your sleep schedule to the local time zone, limit evening light exposure, and get sunlight in the morning to optimize physical and cognitive function while traveling.

2. Eat Right. Maintain eating habits by planning ahead, seeking nutritious options, and carrying snacks to support your energy levels and well-being during travel.

3. Stay Hydrated. Remember to drink water frequently, especially during air travel, to maintain energy levels and physical performance.

4. Be Opportunistic with Your Exercise. To maximize workout opportunities during unpredictable work travel schedules, adapt to exercising at various times of day to seize any available windows of time, regardless of whether it’s morning, mid-day, or evening.

5. Adapt to the New Environment. Diversify your training by exploring outdoor workouts or utilizing hotel gyms, adapting to the new location to keep your exercise routine exciting and flexible.

Benefits of Exercising While Traveling

1. Maintains Physical Health. Exercising while traveling helps to keep your body active, preventing stiffness and promoting circulation, which is especially important during long periods of sitting.

2. Manages Stress Levels. Engaging in physical activity releases endorphins, reducing stress and promoting relaxation, which can be particularly beneficial during hectic travel schedules.

3. Enhances Mental Well-being. Regular exercise while traveling can improve mood, concentration, and overall cognitive function, helping you stay focused and alert during business meetings or tourist activities.

4. Supports Immune Function. By boosting circulation and promoting overall health, exercise while traveling can strengthen your immune system, potentially reducing the risk of falling ill during your trip.

5. Facilitates Adaptation to Time Zone Changes. Incorporating exercise into your travel routine can help regulate your body’s internal clock, making it easier to adjust to different time zones and minimizing the effects of jet lag.


Hanoi Vietnam Travel Resources

* Get access to our Vietnam Destinations guide here *

✈️ Protect your Hanoi trip with Travel Insurance – We’ve started using Nomad Insurance by Safety Wing for affordable evacuation, international medical, and trip coverage.



Where to Stay in Hanoi

We stayed with our friends who were far removed from the tourist center. Most visitors stay near the French Quarter/Old Town and the Ho Hoan Kiem lake area for easy access to the main Hanoi attractions.

Find a cool apartment or homestay room to rent on

For further reading about Hanoi:

Things to Do in Hanoi, Vietnam on a Budget
How to Cross the Street in Hanoi Traffic2022
5 Unexpected Things We Learned in Hanoi2015
Phở-nomenal: The Many Types of Phở in Hanoi, Vietnam
4 Cool Cafes and Coffee Treats in Hanoi, Vietnam

For other Vietnam destinations:

Suggest Vietnam Itinerary for 10 days or more
A budget guide to Ninh Binh (with self-guided bicycle itinerary)
A budget guide to Mai Chau, Vietnam
A budget guide to Hue, Vietnam
A complete budget guide to Hoi An, Vietnam 

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Staying Fit in Hanoi Vietnam

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  1. I have just moved to Hanoi and would like to know where to run. It is encouraging to know there are places to goas the streets seem a little hazardous what with the very uneven paving and difficulty with crossing the road/pollution. It is encouraging to know you did not have a problem, but the article does not say which lakes? I would grateful if you could point me in the right direction please! Thanks

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