What is the best way to book international flights?

What is the best way to book international flights?

We are often asked how to find and book the best international flight deal. What is the best site for international flight searches? When is the best time to buy international airline tickets? Which international airlines are recommended? After sharing our flight booking tips with friends and family, we knew this information could be helpful for…

New book! Unconventional Budget Accommodations now on Amazon
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New book! Unconventional Budget Accommodations now on Amazon

Click to Order the Book on Amazon Update: Unconventional Budget Accommodations is now available in paperback! The audiobook version will hopefully be ready in early October. For anyone who purchases a paperback during launch week (before October 3, 2018), I’ll send you a free gift! Just forward your e-receipt to michelle[at]intentionaltravelers.com and let me know…