Cambodia Travel Tips: Do’s and Don’ts for Visitors
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Cambodia Travel Tips: Do’s and Don’ts for Visitors

This post provides about how to be a mindful, respectful traveler in a developing country like Cambodia. Special thanks to our friend and fellow intentional traveler, Karen Bortvedt, who lived and worked in Phnom Penh for nearly four years, for contributing these travel tips for Cambodia! Caring for Cambodia: Travel Tips Known as the “Kingdom of Wonder,”…

Best things about Georgetown Penang (Plus street art + street food map)
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Best things about Georgetown Penang (Plus street art + street food map)

George Town, Penang, Malaysia was recommended to us by fellow nomads. Now that we’ve been, we think Georgetown is the best place to visit in Southeast Asia for first time backpackers, couples, and new nomads. In this post we’ll share: – 6 Reasons why George Town is where to go in Southeast Asia for the…

3 Off The Beaten Path Things To Do in Phnom Penh Cambodia
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3 Off The Beaten Path Things To Do in Phnom Penh Cambodia

Here are three things to do in Phnom Penh that may not make every tourist’s list but definitely should be included for anyone seeking authentic cultural experiences in Cambodia. Special thanks to friend and fellow intentional traveler, Karen Bortvedt, who lived and worked in Phnom Penh for nearly four years, for contributing this travel advice!…

Here’s What Six Months of Travel in Southeast Asia and India Look Like

Here’s What Six Months of Travel in Southeast Asia and India Look Like

This is a guest post by fellow Intentional Traveler, Lianne Bronzo. She describes herself as a Korean-American adoptee who returned “home” to teach, travel, and discover who she is. She and her boyfriend, Adam, are avid budget travelers. They are currently serving in Zambia for the Peace Corps. Six months of travel overview Constantly being…

How to Choose an Ethical Elephant Sanctuary
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How to Choose an Ethical Elephant Sanctuary

Visiting elephants is often at the top of travelers’ lists when visiting Southeast Asia. Elephant tourism has the potential to promote a greater appreciation for these giant creatures and influence their preservation. Unfortunately, not all elephant tours are created equal. Why the Cool Kids Are No Longer Riding Elephants With the high demand for elephant…