We aim to keep this post updated about Philippines travel in 2025 with official Philippines travel restrictions, requirements, and health and safety guidance. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions so you can travel confidently, safely, and responsibly in this new post-pandemic world of ours.
As restrictions can vary based on the traveler’s citizenship, we will focus primarily on rules affecting U.S. citizens.
Last update: October 16, 2024. Originally published: October 2020.
Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of our links, we may receive a small commission, at no additional cost to you.
February 2024: “Our main requirement for travel to the Philippines was completing an online form within 72 hours of arriving. Our airline reminded us to do the same process before departing the Philippines as well.
The form asks for flight info, countries visited in the last 30 days, and whether you have been sick or exposed to someone ‘known to have communicable/infectious disease’ in the past 30 days. We then received a QR code to show at the airport.
We did not need to show the QR code upon arrival or departure (airline staff told me it’s actually for Philippine passport holders only). At immigration they had no questions for us on arrival or departure.” – Michelle & Jedd, Intentional Travelers, American digital nomads
Photo credit: Anwar Y
January 2024: “I visited the Philippines for 3 weeks in January with visits to places on 4 major islands across the country [Luzon, Bohol, Cebu, and Palawan]. Overall tourism was open and accessible within the country, flights between islands were the easiest, with long overland travel times (due to local-roads / lack of highways).
We did not experience any travel restrictions while within the country. There is a pre-arrival form that must be filled out that is used for tracing but really we didn’t find it used much beyond immigration. There were requirements for providing hotels for contact tracing but it was haphazardly enforced, such as only 1 bus company asked for this information.
Access to all services is open, we did notice that for many services employees were masked but there was no requirement for tourists to mask. We found covid tests readily accessible and often in vending machines such as in the airport.
One thing of note is that people did appear to be sick. My entire group ended up sick (non-covid) but the sinus cold did impede our ability to do some activities (scuba diving).” – Anwar Y of Beyond My Door, American traveler
At the end of the post, we share more on-the-ground perspectives from local residents and travelers to the Philippines so you can get a true sense of what to expect. We’re thankful to one of our team members from the Philippines for co-creating this post with us!
Table of Contents
Is the Philippines open for travel? Can I travel to the Philippines right now?
Effective July 2023, all travelers are allowed entry in the Philippines without restrictions. The following are no longer required to enter the Philippines: Proof of Vaccination, Quarantine, Proof of negative Covid test (for unvaccinated or partially vaccinated travelers), Travel insurance.
However, travelers must still meet the following requirements:
As of April 2023, all travelers, including children are required to register via the Electronic Travel Declaration System no earlier than 72 hours from the intended arrival.
Passport must be valid for at least six months at the time of arrival.
Philippines travel restrictions have changed over time, please check back for updates.
Quarantine rules in the Philippines: What happens if I get Covid?
All travelers arriving in the Philippines are not required to quarantine.
Foreign tourists who test positive for Covid while in the Philippines must continue to isolate and undergo quarantine.
For cases with moderate to severe symptoms or belonging to the immunocompromised category, isolation of 10 days from onset of signs and symptoms is required. Patient may be required to be admitted to a health care facility based on the advice of the attending physician.
For severe cases and immunocompromised cases, isolation is required and may end only upon the advice of their health care provider.
Patients with mild symptoms or asymptomatic are advised to isolate at home for five days or until fever-free for at least 24 hours without using antipyretics such as paracetamol, whichever is earlier.
Foreign tourists may be required to cover the costs of quarantine accommodations or hospitalization.
Can I travel to the Philippines in February 2025? Can I travel to Philippines this Spring?
The Philippines is open to tourists in February. Read on for details and check back for updates.
What is it like to fly to Manila MNL Ninoy Aquino International Airport right now? Philippine Airlines reports passengers are no longer required to wear face masks, though it is still recommended.
Do I have to quarantine when traveling to the Philippines? No. Only travelers who test positive will need to quarantine. See details above.
Does Philippines check COVID-19 symptoms of incoming travelers? Travelers undergo a passive thermal scan upon arrival in the airport. Hats must be removed, otherwise just walk through.
Does Philippines require a negative Covid 19 test for travelers? No. As of July 2023, a negative test is no longer required for travelers to enter the Philippines.
Do I have to undergo a Covid test upon arrival in the Philippines? No. Covid test upon arrival is no longer required.
Does Philippines require a proof of Coronavirus vaccine for travelers? No. A proof of Coronavirus vaccine is no longer required.
Do I still need to provide a negative Covid test or quarantine if I have been vaccinated? Quarantine and negative Covid test is no longer required for travelers.
Is a booster shot required for travel to the Philippines? At this time, booster shots are not required in the Philippines. There is currently no expiration period set for the validity of vaccinations.
Do I need to provide proof of vaccination or test for domestic flights in the Philippines? Most destinations within the Philippines no longer require a proof of vaccination or test for domestic flights.
However, local authorities may have specific requirements. It is recommended to check with the destination’s local government unit (LGU) through their official website or Facebook page for the latest rules and guidelines.
What healthcare options are available to travelers in the Philippines who get the virus? Philippine hospitals and clinics are open. Foreign visitors can get PCR or antigen test at the Philippines Department Of Health accredited testing centers.
Foreign visitors who get the virus would pay out of pocket for medical services. The medical expenses for the treatment will vary depending on the severity of the condition, the hospital where the patient is admitted, confinement duration, and other factors.
What service businesses and restaurants are open in the Philippines? Markets and groceries, which are considered essential businesses, remained open throughout the duration of the community quarantine in the Philippines.
Restaurants, malls, personal care services, entertainment establishments, hotels, resorts, and other accommodation establishments are also back in business following health and safety protocols.
Do I need to provide proof of vaccination or a negative test to enter or stay at hotels, resorts, and other accommodation establishments in the Philippines? Most accommodation establishments in the Philippines no longer require a proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test.
It is advisable to visit the hotel website or official social media pages to know their latest guidelines. Additionally, contacting the establishment directly is recommended for any clarifications.
What public gatherings are allowed in Philippines? Public gatherings are allowed but must follow health and safety protocols.
Are face masks required in the Philippines? As of July 2023, wearing of face masks is no longer required in the Philippines.
Are buses running in the Philippines? Yes. Public transportation is available in the Philippines, including buses, jeepneys, trains, tricycles, and vans. Ride-hailing services are also available.
TIP: If you’re new to ride-hailing, my Smartphone Savvy Travel course includes a lesson on universal ride-share best practices so you can get around safely and confidently regardless of which particular ride-share app you might use in a destination.
Will the Philippines impose new Covid restrictions? What’s next is difficult to predict. Historically, the Philippines has imposed nationwide as well as localized COVID-19 restrictions when strains on the health care system might become unsustainable.
How has the Coronavirus impacted the Philippines?
The first case of the Coronavirus was confirmed in the Philippines January 30, 2020 and the country was placed under a State of Public Health Emergency on March 8, 2020.
As a measure to limit the spread of the virus, lockdowns or community quarantines have been imposed since March 15, 2020. Despite implementing strict lockdowns, the country still experienced surges in cases, reporting more confirmed cases and deaths than any other Southeast Asian country.
The onslaught of the virus put the country into recession with mass unemployment. The restriction on travel also affected tourism, which is a large industry in the country.
Over two thirds of the population has been vaccinated in the Philippines.
In July 2023, the State of Public Health Emergency has been lifted throughout the Philippines. All restrictions due to Covid 19 are no longer in effect.
For the current situation in the Philippines, including: total COVID-19 positive cases; total cases in the Philippines; and COVID-19 testing in the Philippines, please see the Philippines Department of Health site.
What should you pack for safely traveling in the Philippines?
👃 Covid self-test – The most studied rapid antigen self-test with FDA emergency authorization. NOT valid to enter countries. Use for your own peace of mind. Order from CVS > or Walmart >
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If you have our WorldWide Connectivity course (also available inside our Membership), review the modules on eSIM Best Practices and Managing Data Usage to get the most out of your eSIM!
What do Philippine locals and recent travelers say about visiting the Philippines now?
What is it like to visit the Philippines right now? It’s our goal to provide regular updates here from real people on the ground, to help potential visitors know what to expect. The following are subjective opinions only. Official travel guidance can be found above.
November 2023 – Gladis of Happiness on the Way, Filipina citizen: “I flew from Frankfurt to Clark International Airport (Philippines) in September and was surprised by the low number of tourists. I’ve traveled around Clark and Manila for a month and most of the businesses like cafes, restaurants and even tours are all back – I love how I was able to see famous spots with less tourists!
Healthcare, testing, and local attractions are fully operational in most cities and touristy towns. Hotels and restaurants provide sanitizers, and staff are vaccinated with open-air setups. Airports in the Philippines have synchronized e-travel for smoother lines. Most popular destinations have maximum tourists now, so booking ahead is advisable to secure your spot.”
June 2023 – Liza of Always in Spain: “I’m in the Philippines for one month (May to June 2023) to visit family and travel around the country.
Tourism in the Philippines is thriving again! Tourist attractions are open without restrictions, tour operators are offering services again, and transportation (air & land) look fully open for domestic travel so it’s easy to get around the country.
Aside from having to complete a declaration upon arrival, things are back to normal in the Philippines. Some people still prefer to mask up (especially indoors) but it’s not obligatory.
Pharmacies are plentiful in the large cities so you have easy access to home testing kits and over-the-counter medication if you need it. If you’re traveling to more remote areas, it’s a good idea to have your own emergency medical kit just in case.”
February 2023 – Kieren of Wales Guidebook, UK traveler: “My girlfriend and I visited the Philippines for 10 days in February 2023 with a return trip from Bali. Tourism in the Philippines is mostly back to normal. Aside from being asked to wear masks at airports and onboard with some airlines, there were no other Covid requirements or restrictions and I can highly recommend visiting at this time.
Although signage regarding Covid restrictions (such as mask wearing) are still on display across the country, these are rarely enforced. You may still see staff wearing masks in supermarkets and shopping malls. Pharmacies are readily available in most areas frequented by tourists and the level of English is usually enough to get any medicine you need. Chain pharmacies, such as Watsons, are more likely to speak a good level of English.”
October 2022 – Jennifer Terri, Philippines:
September 2022 – Elizabeth, visitor from UK:“I visited the Philippines for a 3-week trip to explore its top destinations. The locals are still wearing masks, however, it’s a bit more relaxed, especially in the open public area. When you enter an establishment, you will be asked or expected to put on the mask.
Most businesses related to tourism are open or in service such as airlines, hotels, and tour agencies. Locals seems to be getting back on travelling as well, but it seems like the airlines are not well-staffed resulting in long queues, although very little delay.”
July 2022 – Angeline of GoAroundPhilippines.com, resident: “All tourist destinations in the country are open and locals mostly enjoy them now. It is the best time to visit as there are still few tourists around and you can easily get cheaper rates for hotels and tours as companies need tourists.
The islands and beaches have gone through a bit of a break so they’ve become more vibrant and marine animals are plenty. There are still no long lines or crowds either.”
March 2022 – Camille, resident of the Philippines: “Things are finally the closest it’s been to “back to normal” after two long years of strict quarantine rules. Everything feels much more relaxed and people are happy to go out, dine out, party, and travel. Even though it feels like back to normal, most people still comply with wearing masks almost everywhere so this is something foreigners should expect and be sensitive in following.
Many places still are at limited capacity though, so lines are long and crowds can be packed. As much as possible, we appreciate it when tourists are understanding of any delays or mishaps. There’s a period of adjustment since it’s only been recently that things are as they were before. Many workers have been affected and are now happy to get back to work, so patience and tips are appreciated. At the end of the day, tourism has always played a big part in our economy so you’ll definitely feel welcome.”
July 2021 – Ailene, resident of Manila: “The Philippines does not currently allow tourists to enter the country. Majority of the residents are hesitant to the reopening of the borders to foreign tourists because of the fear that our healthcare system would collapse if there will be a surge in Covid cases. In Metro Manila, people (except children and senior citizens) are free to move within the city as long as the curfew, social distancing, face mask, and face shield rules are observed. Traveling to other places outside Metro Manila is also possible. Travel restrictions are generally being followed. However, there were some instances when people were caught violating the rules such as faking their Covid results, partying, and not following the curfew. Access to healthcare is a little difficult. In some hospitals and clinics, patients without an appointment will not be allowed to enter. But virtual consultation is also available. Getting tested for Covid is easier. People have an option to get tested at clinics, hospitals, drive through testing centers, or at home. Access to local attractions is possible as long as the needed requirements are provided. A negative Covid test is required in some destinations, while a health certificate is enough for some. Right now, the safest and preferred places to travel to are private resorts and outdoor open areas like parks and beaches where interaction with other people can be avoided as much as possible. Restaurants, groceries, and other food service can be accessed easily. Although public transportation is available for travelers, it is safer to travel in private vehicles.”
June 2021 – Tina of https://iwentanyways.com, resident of Philippines: “Many provinces in the country are not yet open to tourism, and those that are already open have requirements that need to be followed. Locals have varying reaction to their place opening up to tourists. Some support the opening due to financial reasons, while those that are not in favor are concerned that these tourists might spread the virus in their place. Travel restrictions are being followed by locals and visitors, but I’ve heard of stories of some people who do not follow it but are able to get away with it. As for the healthcare and testing, most of the hospitals and testing centers are available in the capital cities. Some provinces that have opened for tourism require visitors to register in an app and wait for the approval of their visit before they could travel. This is required for contact tracing purposes.”
Even if you can’t go to the Philippines right now, you can still get started planning your Philippines trip for the future.
If you have questions or updates about travel to the Philippines during the Coronavirus crisis or post-pandemic, please let us know in the comments below. *Please note that we are not able to advise travelers regarding specific situations outside of the free information provided above. We recommend working with a professional travel agent if you need assistance particular to your trip.
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Disclaimer: Please note, travel restrictions change frequently. Readers must take responsibility for verifying information through official sources like the State Department and CDC, in respect to their specific situations. No responsibility can be accepted by Intentional Travelers for action or inaction as a result of information provided through IntentionalTravelers.com. Any information provided here is issued as general information only.
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I don’t want any surprises, Can you please confirm to me if we need to take a corona test to fly to the Philippines (from Madrid) or if it is therefore not necessary anymore now. In addition, I am also asking for more clarity on the inernal movements.
Hello Falko. Since the State of Public Health Emergency has been lifted in the Philippines, all rules and restrictions due to Covid 19 are no longer in effect. This means that you are no longer required to present a negative Covid test to enter the Philippines. For traveling within the Philippines, restrictions are also no longer in effect. However, it is still advisable to check your destination’s local government unit (LGU) official website or Facebook page for the latest travel guidelines. You may also check for the latest COVID requirements by destination through this websites: https://www.philippineairlines.com/covid-information-hub/covid-requirements
Hello, I’m a little confused on one issue. I’m a US citizen unvaccinated and would like to fly to the Philippines. I know what tests, etc I need to actually fly to the philippines, but what is not clear to me based on conflicting information is will I be required to take another covid test on arrival if the 24 hour one taken before flight was negative? One thing I don’t want to happen is discover I have to have another one when I arrive as I really hate them since they are so unnecessarily intrusive, and I’ve read some places that you will need a second one on arrival regardless of the results of the preflight test. I would be flying to Cebu. Thank you for your time.
Hello Sam, thank you for visiting our blog. According to the current entry rules, unvaccinated or partially vaccinated “travelers 15 years and older who fail to present a negative pre-departure testing shall be required to undergo a laboratory-based Antigen Test UPON ARRIVAL at the airport.” Therefore, if you can provide a valid and negative pre-departure Covid test when you arrive in the Philippines, then you will no longer have to test upon arrival at the airport.
Thank you for answering my question, that is good news. Just one other question please. Where do I look to find what remotely supervised covid tests are accepted by Philippines government on arrival since I don’t want to take a test in a clinic?
Hello Sam. Unfortunately, we cannot find updated information about remotely supervised tests accepted by the Philippines. It seems like no updates have been published but we’ll let you know if we find updated information regarding this. You may also contact the Philippine Department of Tourism official Facebook page or a Philippine embassy near you to get information about remotely supervised tests.
Hi. Regardless of departure point, test results are not required going to the US, and as of this month (May 2023), noncitizen nonimmigrant air passengers no longer need to show proof of being fully vaccinated either.
I will be on vacation soon in the Philippines and resorts (specifically at Pico de Loro, Batangas and Los Banos, Laguna) still require a certified negative covid-test for stay. Where can I get this certified covid-19 rapid antigen test?
I am traveling to the Philippines in July 2023. I see that the Philippines currently still requires a negative Antigen Test for entry. Once a traveler has entered the country and wants to travel to different locations (such as Tacloban, Cebu City, Bohol, etc.) does a traveler have to provide a clean test at every domestic airport in the Philippines to board the plane if I stayed at each different location for 3-5 days? I need clarification as the domestic air carriers (Cebu Pacific, Air Asia, etc.) indicate that you need at least a negative Antigen Test to board on their websites. Any comments from recent travelers in the Philippines would be helpful. Thank you
Hi Greg. It is correct that the Philippines still require proof of a negative COVID test for entry if a traveler is unvaccinated or partially vaccinated. For travel within the Philippines, most destination no longer require a negative test for domestic flights. However, please note that some destination may still require a negative test and other documents for domestic travel depending on the local authorities’ regulations. We recommend that you check your destination’s local government unit (LGU) official website or Facebook page for the latest travel guidelines and requirements.
Hello, we are scheduled to go to the Philippines February 1st. We will be flying to japan January 27th and then from japan to Manila February 1st. Then from Manila to Boracay on the 2nd of February. We are American us citizens unvaccinated. What are the requirements and regulations for us? Will we be allowed to go with the new covid laws?
Hello Vee. Thanks for visiting our blog. Based on the current travel requirements and your status as an unvaccinated U.S. citizens, the following are the requirements you need:
For travel to the Philippines, you will need the follwing: – negative Antigen test certificate from a clinic conducted within 24 hours of departure from the country of origin – complete a BOQ e-Health Declaration Card (e-HDC), including children – passport valid for at least six months at the time of arrival – return or outbound ticket to your country of origin or next country of destination.
Once you’re in the Philippines, the requirements to travel to Boracay are the following: – Tourist Arrival Form – Confirmed Boracay Hotel Booking slip/voucher – Passport (for Foreigners)
Hello, we are Polish Filipino marrige and we are not vaccinated. We are planing to Visit Philipinnes in the middle of January 2024. Do you think it will be still required to do the PCR covid tests before travel? Since I read about Thailand, Laos, Vietnam is already fully open (no covid tests, no vaccinated etc). When they will fully open the Philippines? Regards
Thanks for visiting our blog. We don’t have any special information about the government’s future plans about travel restrictions, however, we will be sure to update this post when we see that anything changes.
Hello there, i am filipino-american citizen. I am unvaccinated and my vacation and my 4yo son to cebu by october. What are the restrictions for us since we don’t want to get vaccinated. From cebu international airport do we have to book a hotel for quaratines that are doh accredited and for how many days? Is it possible to choose our own place to stay while waiting for pcr test? And also does me and my son need a pcr test before we travel to Philippines? And also do we need return ticket or not needed? Hope to hear your response. Thank you
Hi Isabel. Thanks for visiting our blog! The current restriction states that foreign nationals (including Balikbayans) visiting the Philippines without a visa must be vaccinated. Unfortunately, you won’t be allowed entry into the Philippines based on the current rules. The same goes for your 4-year-old son since he will follow the rules that are applicable to you. However, if you will enter the Philippines with a visa or if you have double citizenship (Filipino and American) then it’s possible that you and your son may be allowed entry. We recommend that you contact or visit the Philippine Embassy in your area to see if there are any exemptions applicable to you that will allow you to visit the Philippines. Hope this helps.
Please note that on the PAL site ( https://www.philippineairlines.com/en/covid-19/arrivingintheph ) it states that valid return ticket(s) to the original port of origin or next port of destination for not more than 30 days from the date of arrival in the Philippines is/are required. Since I want to go for 3 months can I assume this is now impossible? Please help
Hi Norman! Thanks for visiting our blog. Tourists entering the Philippines visa-free are allowed to stay for not more than 30 days. Thus, the need for a valid return ticket to your country of origin or your next destination dated not more than 30 days from the date of arrival in the Philippines. If you want to stay in the Philippines for more than 30 days, you will need to apply for a Philippine tourist visa. You need to contact the Philippine Embassy or Consulate near you for information on how to apply for a Philippine tourist visa. I hope this helps.
I am a Filipino citizen with Philippine passport and vaccinated, I will be traveling with my family to Philippines – my husband american citizen fully vaccinated, but my 1.5 yrs old son also american citizen and not vaccinated. We are just planning to stay in the Philippines for 1 week just for my son to meet my parents. My question is, will he/we still need to be in quarantine? Thanks
Hi Camille. Thanks for visiting our blog. According to the Philippine’s quarantine rules, children below the age of 12 who cannot be vaccinated must follow the quarantine protocols of the parents traveling with them. Since you and your husband are fully vaccinated and do not need to quarantine, your son is not required to quarantine as well. You may also contact the Philippine Bureau of Immigration for more information regarding entry requirements.
Thanks for visiting our blog. If you are traveling to the Philippines from the United States and fully vaccinated, you still need to quarantine at a government approved facility until the result of a RT-PCR test taken on the 5th day of quarantine is released. If the result is negative, you’ll be allowed to continue the quarantine at home until the 10th day. You can check the post for more details about quarantine rules in the Philippines. Regarding your work visa, if it is valid and existing, then you may be allowed to enter the Philippines. We advise that you contact the nearest Philippine Embassy or Consulate in your area to get more information and before attempting travel.
Travel to the Philippines My legal wife is an ex-Philippine citizen having been “required” to give it up on becoming a Canadian citizen, more years ago than I’m “allowed to divulge”! I’m a naturalized Canadian citizen originally from the UK, a few years ago shall we say! Am I correct in believing my wife can travel “home” without a pre-authorized but will we granted a “tourist” visa on arrival, and that I may accompany her getting a “balikbyan” visa on arrival?
Vaccine “Combo” Canada considers us “fully” vaccinated against COVID-19 with 1st Dose Pfizer-BioNTech & 2nd Dose Moderna Mrna vaccines, but is this “combo” accepted by the Philippines?
Vaccination-Quarantine I understand that as we are “fully” vaccinated we will be required to “reside” at a hotel for 7 days with a PCR test on Day 5, and if the PCR test is clear we can then shorten the full 14-day period to 10 days? Can the hotel be “of our choice” if that hotel provides such facilities, or are their only “designated” hotels to choose from? At the hotel do we have full access to its facilities such as swimming pool etc if open, or are we “imprisioned” in our rooms for the duration?
Post-Quarantine Travel in the Locale Are there any restrictions for “ALL” in moving around the locale to say attend golf courses if open, and can we travel by public transport. Are there any “AGE” restrictions as we are seniors, although the exact ages are a “closely guarded secret”!
Travel to Provences On arrival into Manila can we “immediately” transfer to the domestic airport for travel to the Provences for quarantine, or do we have to quarantine in Manila before moving on?
Hello, William and Lourdes, and thank you for visiting our blog. These are important questions you have, and travel restrictions can certainly be confusing, not to mention constantly changing. We are only able to track a limited set of scenarios, which we post for free on the blog. To answer specific questions beyond what’s in our post, we would recommend working with a travel agent to ensure your trip needs are met. We’ll also see where we can better clarify some of the information in our post in the coming days. Best regards.
I would like to get a visitor visa for the Philippines as I plan to marry my fiancé who is a Philippine resident in January 2022. Can you guide me to websites so that the visa process for the Philippines can be simplified if that is possible, or inexpensive visa service for the Philippines? Thank you for any help you can provide me. Anthony
Hi Anthony. Thank you for your question. As we do not have personal experience using a visa service ourselves, we can only recommend doing a web search for “philippines visa services” and checking for recent user reviews. Perhaps one of our other readers will be able to chime in with a suggestion in the future.
Thanks for visiting our blog. We are not aware of emergency exceptions at this time. With the many changing rules, we have to focus on those that apply to the majority of travelers, so a travel agent or visa service that specializes in the Philippines may be more help for specific scenarios or exceptions.
Hi! Fully vaccinated foreign travellers who have been in a green list country for at least 14 days are allowed to enter the Philippines without any problems as long as they quarantine 7 days in an approved facility, right? So for me who live in Italy, the only way I can currently access the Philippines would be to travel to Albania (green list country) right after I get my second dose, stay there 2 weeks and then fly from Albania to the Philippines.
Hi Andrea, thank you for visiting our blog. That is a very good question. The Philippines’ green lane was created to lessen the quarantine period of fully vaccinated individuals who are allowed to enter in the Philippines. Therefore, it is important to determine first if you belong to any of the traveler categories who can enter the Philippines. For foreign citizens, you must have a valid and existing Philippine visa. If without a visa, you must be a former Filipino or a family member traveling with a former Filipino. You can check the complete details of who can enter the Philippines here.
If you are one of those travelers who are allowed to enter, fully vaccinated, and traveling from Albania or any of the countries in the Philippines’ green list, the quarantine period would only be 7 days.
Hi Ailene and thank you for your kind reply. I guess I will need a visa and probably an exemption document which I have now idea how to get and if there are any requirements I don’t think I meet them anyway since the purpose of the trip would be to visit my girlfriend hence why I am considered as a mere tourist.
I’m from Arizona currently looking for a way to travel to the Philippines ASAP to marry my fiance. I have my vaild US passport, however found myself needing a tourist visa with a possible certificate of entry as well..would you recommend going through a travel agency, a family member who is Filipino, or waiting for the covid travel restrictions to be lifted? Point me in the right direction or any vaild news will be greatly appreciated. Thanks & God bless.
Hi Chris. Without a valid and existing visa, you would need to wait for restrictions to change. We’ll be sure to update this post as we get more news. In general, we do recommend working with a travel agent who is familiar with Philippine visas to help navigate the ever-changing travel situation these days.
Chris You and so many others are in the same situation. I am looking into flying my Fiance to another country, (Mexico, Columbia or Costa Rica) Getting married there Then fly back together on a Balikbayan Visa.
Hi! We want to visit Philippines in February. If we are vaccinated with 2 doses do we still need to do a covid test? We need to fill out a form before entering the Philippines? but for Boracay? Thank you!
Hello Cristina! Based on the current Philippine travel rules, a booster is no longer required for entry, therefore, you no longer need to provide a negative Covid test. However, you need to register on the Philippines eTravel website and you can register up to three days in advance of your departure. For Boracay, a filled out tourist arrival form, hotel booking, and passport for foreign tourists are required. You can check details here or you may contact the Aklan government through their Facebook page for additional information.
Hi! I was just wondering, are fully vaccinated senior citizen (60 years and older) coming from Canada allowed to enter Philippines? Are there any travel restriction for their age group? Thanks a lot!
Thanks for visiting our blog. We’ve been focusing on requirements primarily for US citizens, as it can vary by country and it’s a challenge to track all the changes. I would double-check with the Canadian State Department and/or a travel agent for more specific guidance. It’s my understanding that the age group restrictions don’t apply for entering the country but rather for going out and about once there – so far this has only been relevant to Philippine residents and will likely change with local vaccination rates eventually.
Hi, thank you for a really good blog. I am fully vaccinated norwegian man, and I wonder if you know anything about when it will be possible to travel to the Philippines. Cebu is a possible destination. If you dont know, because I think no one can know for sure now, what will be your educated guess. I have a close friend I want to visit there.
I’m glad you’ve found our blog helpful. I wish we had more insight as to when things will open up more. Some countries in Southeast Asia have indicated that they may wait until a majority of their own population is vaccinated, so it really is uncertain. We’ll do our best to provide updates here as they come out.
I am a fully-vaccinated US citizen. Do I understand correctly that I can fly into Cebu with no quarantine requirements? What covid-related requirements would I be subjected to (e.g. tests, etc). Thank you!
Hi James. Thank you for visiting our blog. Travelers flying in directly to Cebu don’t have to quarantine at the hotel, provided that they receive a negative test result conducted immediately upon arrival at the airport. Please note that this is applicable only to permitted foreign nationals. We recommend that you contact the local government of Cebu or the Cebu-Mactan International Airport for complete details and requirements. Also, as of today, only US citizens with visa, US citizens who are former Filipinos, and US citizens who are family members and traveling with a Filipino citizen or former Filipino are allowed entry in the Philippines. Please see the Philippine Bureau of Immigration page for complete details. It is also advisable to contact the Philippine Embassy or Consulate in your area for more information and before attempting travel.
My daughter was born in Manila in 2020. What do i need to do to get to the philippines? The philippines embassy in los angelas doesn’t replay to my emails and nobody picks up the phones. please help
Hello and thank you for visiting our blog. We do our best to provide regularly updated information on this post for free to the public, as our small team does not have capacity to provide individualized advice for everyone who requests. If you’re not able to find what you need in the details of our post or through the official resource links we have provided above, many travelers are finding this type of support through travel agents.
I’m from Canada and I’m also a citizen here. I don’t understand why United States citizen foreigners are allowed in the Philippines but not Canadians when their country is much worse with the current situation with the covid virus. Or are Canadians allowed also? Thank you.
Hello and thanks for visiting our blog. Because the majority of our blog readers are from the US and rules do vary by country and change frequently, we have chosen to focus on restrictions for Americans in this particular post. This does not mean other nationalities are excluded from entering the Philippines. I would suggest checking the Canadian State Department website for details that apply to your home country.
I’m planning a trip in August. Do you think the borders will be reopened? If so, I want to go to Iloilo directly, can I quarantine there instead of Manilla even though I have a 1h change (stopover because of a direct flight with terminal as Iloilo) of plane there? Thank you
Hi. Thanks for visiting our blog. We do our best to keep this post updated as things change, but we don’t have any special insight as to when changes will happen in the future. For advice on specific trip questions that you can’t find in our post, we recommend seeking a professional travel agent. Safe travels.
My American boyfriend planning to come and meet me this coming month of July. He should get a visa in US before coming here in the Philippines or he could get a visa when he landed here in the Philippines then? His destination will be in Kalibo, Aklan. Any idea about the protocols travelling to Kalibo, Aklan? And if he need to be quarantine for 14 days? He’s already fully vaccinated with Moderna vaccine. He is also tested in Covid and had a negative results. Thank you.
Thank you for visiting our blog. Traveling to the Philippines without a visa, unfortunately, that has been temporarily suspended because of the pandemic so he would need to arrange a visa before traveling. You can find details on the Philippine Bureau of Immigration Facebook page. Please note that we are not able to advise travelers regarding specific situations outside of the free information we already provide above. If you’re not able to find answers for your particular trip in our post, we recommend working with a professional travel agent to ensure your personal trip needs are met.
Hello and thank you for visiting our blog. We do our best to provide regularly updated information on this post for free to the public, as our small team does not have capacity to provide individualized advice for everyone who requests. I hope you’ll find what you need in the details of our post or through the official resource links we have provided above. If you need further assistance, many travelers are finding this type of support through travel agents.
i don’t know how accurate your info is as i work with a filipino here in the US and he watches Philip news online and told me that if you fly into Cebu which is where i go not Manila that you get a temp check at the airport and only have to quarantine for 1 day not 14 like u said, also can you answer this question. I being a American and traveling with a passport the bureau of philippines website said if your traveling to the PI for less then 30 days you don]t need a tourist visa just your passport…any truth to that?? Thanks
Hi Will. As a general rule, a mandatory quarantine of 7-14 days is required for persons traveling to the Philippines. In the Province of Cebu, it is true that quarantine is no longer a requirement as of March 31, 2021. However, this is only for repatriated Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and returning non-OFWs. You can visit the Cebu Provincial Tourism Office page for more information about this.
About traveling to the Philippines without a visa, unfortunately, that has been temporarily suspended because of the pandemic. Please check the Philippine Bureau of Immigration Facebook page for information and updates on who are allowed entry into the Philippines at this time.
Thank you so much for the information, that helps a lot….can’t wait to be there, but I know it may get delayed again. Just as long as everyone is safe and protected I can wait. I love the Philippine people, such beautiful souls.
I have rescheduled my trip from USA Arizona to Lapu-Lapu city where I will be staying with my friend who lives there this coming August….4th time rebooking since COVID. I will be there for 3 weeks. I have my COVID vaccination already and got a Hepatitis A vaccine. Do you know what other vaccines are required? Also, will I need to get a Visa since I am on a limited stay? Been trying to get there since last May, but want to be safe for everyone there. I am so looking forward to being with my friend this has been 2 years in the making. Thank you for any information you can give.
Hi Kenneth. I hope your trip will finally come to fruition. As you know, it’s still a difficult time to plan travel and the situation continues to change month to month. According to the State Department, U.S. citizens must have a visa to enter the Philippines for all travel purposes. The best place to find vaccination requirements and recommendations would be through the CDC: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/list
I am a Physician in Mexico with a Philippine wife. She is returning there on May 2. I am wondering what I need to travel only to Manilla in June or July only to accompany her back to Mexico. I would have no problem staying at motel around Manila for the approximately 30 days that I will be there. Any help on this ?
Hello and thanks for visiting the blog. Your ability to enter the Philippines as the spouse of a Filippino citizen in June/July will depend on whether the suspension is lifted for foreign nationals. We will do our best to update this post as the situation changes. Please refer to our post for other protocols and recommended hotels for quarantine in Manila. For further assistance, you may wish to work with a travel agent.
Planning to come home to the Philippines on May from a very long time (1982) since I left PI.. I am now a Us Passport holder, am I qualified as a Philippine balikbayan? Do I need to get a Philippine visa? Is my husband the same?
Hi Nimfa. Thanks for visiting our blog! Under the Philippines Balikbayan Program, you are considered a “balikbayan”. You can visit the Philippines and stay for 1 year without a visa. Your husband can also get the same privilege as long as he is traveling with you.
However, please take note that traveling to the Philippines has been recently suspended until April 19, 2021. Check our blog for updates on who will be allowed entry in May. We also advise that you contact the nearest Philippine Embassy or Consulate in your area for more information and before attempting travel.
With vaccines starting to arrive in PI and some places starting to make roll out plans- Any idea when tourist visas will start to be processed again and citizens will be able to take a trips out of PI?
Hi Dan. Thank you for your question, but I’m afraid we don’t have any special insight about when the Philippines will make changes to travel protocols.
i am now in the us, i left manila last march and coming back in april, do i still need to book a hotel for quarantine? most articles i see are for ofw’s and balikbayans.
also, do you know kung sino sasagot ng food ng magku-quarantine? coz hindi makakalabas yun tao to buy food and water. just wondering.
Hi Cher. Yes, you still need a confirmed booking at any accredited quarantine hotel in Metro Manila for at least 7 days (or 6 nights) from the date of your arrival. This is to accommodate the schedule of your RT-PCR test (which will be on the 5th day) and the release of the result. Your food during your stay at the hotel will be at your own expense. You may also have food from outside the hotel delivered to your room, but you need to check with the rules and regulations of the hotel first if it is allowed.
Hi and thanks for visiting our blog. We are doing our best to update this post on a weekly basis with current information about travel to the Philippines. Your home country’s State Department website is probably the most reliable source. To get an official answer for your Spring travel, you can contact the nearest Philippine Embassy or Consulate (if in the United States).
If one has had a coronavirus vaccine in the US, can one come to the Philippines without the need to quarantine and have the Covid test? I should have my second round of the Moderna vaccine on March 4th. Could I travel to the Philippines shortly after that time if I have a card proving that I had the vaccine?
That is a good question and I think many are wondering the same thing about other destinations as well. We can’t predict when the Philippines will reopen to travelers, nor what they will choose to require in terms of vaccines. From what I’ve read, I would guess that most destinations will continue to require a Covid test regardless of the vaccine since the timeline for immunity after vaccination is still uncertain.
Can I book myself on June or July to go to manila since they ( Department of Tourism ) mencioned that they will reopen the country for international tourism around June so ????
Hi Ricardo. We cannot predict if you’ll be able to fly into Manila at that time. What we personally are doing is making sure any flight we book is fully refundable, or can at least be changed to a later date without change fees if travel is not allowed for our original flight date. This will depend on the particular airline’s terms and conditions.
Do you know when is the date or anything that the Philippine government is gonna let foreigners for tourism cause I’ve been planning this trip for a year and its getting the people so angry that we cant go to the Philippines and nobody can give me a straight up answer.
Hi Clint. Thanks for your question. We know how frustrating it can be to have travel plans up in the air. Unfortunately, most countries do not have set dates for opening tourism yet because so much depends on ever-changing situations, both domestically and internationally.
The Philippines has no intention of opening up to tourism any time soon. The president has said that when the country is between 70 to 80 percent vaccinated it will reopen the country it currently is at 19%. So if you want to take a vacation start thinking of an alternative destination or your going to be waiting for at least a year.
We have booked a trip to the Philippines next month. We have not been vaccinated for covid19, Earlier it was mentioned that we had to take a corona test to enter the philippines. Last weekend all corona measures in the Philippines were scrapped, see source: https://pco.gov.ph/news_releases/pbbm-lifts-state-of-public-health-emergency-throughout-ph-due-to-covid-19/
I don’t want any surprises, Can you please confirm to me if we need to take a corona test to fly to the Philippines (from Madrid) or if it is therefore not necessary anymore now. In addition, I am also asking for more clarity on the inernal movements.
Hello Falko. Since the State of Public Health Emergency has been lifted in the Philippines, all rules and restrictions due to Covid 19 are no longer in effect. This means that you are no longer required to present a negative Covid test to enter the Philippines. For traveling within the Philippines, restrictions are also no longer in effect. However, it is still advisable to check your destination’s local government unit (LGU) official website or Facebook page for the latest travel guidelines. You may also check for the latest COVID requirements by destination through this websites: https://www.philippineairlines.com/covid-information-hub/covid-requirements
Hello, I’m a little confused on one issue. I’m a US citizen unvaccinated and would like to fly to the Philippines. I know what tests, etc I need to actually fly to the philippines, but what is not clear to me based on conflicting information is will I be required to take another covid test on arrival if the 24 hour one taken before flight was negative? One thing I don’t want to happen is discover I have to have another one when I arrive as I really hate them since they are so unnecessarily intrusive, and I’ve read some places that you will need a second one on arrival regardless of the results of the preflight test. I would be flying to Cebu. Thank you for your time.
Hello Sam, thank you for visiting our blog. According to the current entry rules, unvaccinated or partially vaccinated “travelers 15 years and older who fail to present a negative pre-departure testing shall be required to undergo a laboratory-based Antigen Test UPON ARRIVAL at the airport.” Therefore, if you can provide a valid and negative pre-departure Covid test when you arrive in the Philippines, then you will no longer have to test upon arrival at the airport.
Thank you for answering my question, that is good news. Just one other question please. Where do I look to find what remotely supervised covid tests are accepted by Philippines government on arrival since I don’t want to take a test in a clinic?
Hello Sam. Unfortunately, we cannot find updated information about remotely supervised tests accepted by the Philippines. It seems like no updates have been published but we’ll let you know if we find updated information regarding this. You may also contact the Philippine Department of Tourism official Facebook page or a Philippine embassy near you to get information about remotely supervised tests.
Is a negative COVID test result required for return travel from the Philippines to the United States?
Hi. Regardless of departure point, test results are not required going to the US, and as of this month (May 2023), noncitizen nonimmigrant air passengers no longer need to show proof of being fully vaccinated either.
I will be on vacation soon in the Philippines and resorts (specifically at Pico de Loro, Batangas and Los Banos, Laguna) still require a certified negative covid-test for stay. Where can I get this certified covid-19 rapid antigen test?
Hello Yeen. Thank you for visiting our blog. You can see the list of licensed Covid 19 testing facilities in the Philippines here:
Philippine Department of Health Licensed Covid-19 Testing Laboratories
I am traveling to the Philippines in July 2023. I see that the Philippines currently still requires a negative Antigen Test for entry. Once a traveler has entered the country and wants to travel to different locations (such as Tacloban, Cebu City, Bohol, etc.) does a traveler have to provide a clean test at every domestic airport in the Philippines to board the plane if I stayed at each different location for 3-5 days? I need clarification as the domestic air carriers (Cebu Pacific, Air Asia, etc.) indicate that you need at least a negative Antigen Test to board on their websites. Any comments from recent travelers in the Philippines would be helpful. Thank you
Hi Greg. It is correct that the Philippines still require proof of a negative COVID test for entry if a traveler is unvaccinated or partially vaccinated. For travel within the Philippines, most destination no longer require a negative test for domestic flights. However, please note that some destination may still require a negative test and other documents for domestic travel depending on the local authorities’ regulations. We recommend that you check your destination’s local government unit (LGU) official website or Facebook page for the latest travel guidelines and requirements.
You may also check for the latest COVID requirements by destination through these websites:
We hope this helps and thank you for visiting our blog!
Hello, we are scheduled to go to the Philippines February 1st. We will be flying to japan January 27th and then from japan to Manila February 1st. Then from Manila to Boracay on the 2nd of February. We are American us citizens unvaccinated. What are the requirements and regulations for us? Will we be allowed to go with the new covid laws?
Hello Vee. Thanks for visiting our blog. Based on the current travel requirements and your status as an unvaccinated U.S. citizens, the following are the requirements you need:
For travel to Japan, you will need to provide a pre-travel COVID-19 test conducted within 72 hours prior to departure from the country/region of origin. You may check the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs webpage or the U.S. Embassy in Japan webpage for details.
For travel to the Philippines, you will need the follwing:
– negative Antigen test certificate from a clinic conducted within 24 hours of departure from the country of origin
– complete a BOQ e-Health Declaration Card (e-HDC), including children
– passport valid for at least six months at the time of arrival
– return or outbound ticket to your country of origin or next country of destination.
Once you’re in the Philippines, the requirements to travel to Boracay are the following:
– Tourist Arrival Form
– Confirmed Boracay Hotel Booking slip/voucher
– Passport (for Foreigners)
You may also contact the Boracay/Aklan Tourism facebook page for more details.
Hello, we are Polish Filipino marrige and we are not vaccinated. We are planing to Visit Philipinnes in the middle of January 2024. Do you think it will be still required to do the PCR covid tests before travel?
Since I read about Thailand, Laos, Vietnam is already fully open (no covid tests, no vaccinated etc). When they will fully open the Philippines?
Thanks for visiting our blog. We don’t have any special information about the government’s future plans about travel restrictions, however, we will be sure to update this post when we see that anything changes.
Hello there, i am filipino-american citizen. I am unvaccinated and my vacation and my 4yo son to cebu by october. What are the restrictions for us since we don’t want to get vaccinated. From cebu international airport do we have to book a hotel for quaratines that are doh accredited and for how many days? Is it possible to choose our own place to stay while waiting for pcr test? And also does me and my son need a pcr test before we travel to Philippines? And also do we need return ticket or not needed? Hope to hear your response. Thank you
Hi Isabel. Thanks for visiting our blog! The current restriction states that foreign nationals (including Balikbayans) visiting the Philippines without a visa must be vaccinated. Unfortunately, you won’t be allowed entry into the Philippines based on the current rules. The same goes for your 4-year-old son since he will follow the rules that are applicable to you. However, if you will enter the Philippines with a visa or if you have double citizenship (Filipino and American) then it’s possible that you and your son may be allowed entry. We recommend that you contact or visit the Philippine Embassy in your area to see if there are any exemptions applicable to you that will allow you to visit the Philippines. Hope this helps.
Hello hoping to travel to the Philippines but I am unvaccinated are they open for unvaccinated foreign travelers yet?
Hi Mark. You’ll find the answer to that in our post and we’ll continue to update it as rules change.
Please note that on the PAL site ( https://www.philippineairlines.com/en/covid-19/arrivingintheph ) it states that valid return ticket(s) to the original port of origin or next port of destination for not more than 30 days from the date of arrival in the Philippines is/are required.
Since I want to go for 3 months can I assume this is now impossible?
Please help
Hi Norman! Thanks for visiting our blog. Tourists entering the Philippines visa-free are allowed to stay for not more than 30 days. Thus, the need for a valid return ticket to your country of origin or your next destination dated not more than 30 days from the date of arrival in the Philippines. If you want to stay in the Philippines for more than 30 days, you will need to apply for a Philippine tourist visa. You need to contact the Philippine Embassy or Consulate near you for information on how to apply for a Philippine tourist visa. I hope this helps.
I am a Filipino citizen with Philippine passport and vaccinated, I will be traveling with my family to Philippines – my husband american citizen fully vaccinated, but my 1.5 yrs old son also american citizen and not vaccinated. We are just planning to stay in the Philippines for 1 week just for my son to meet my parents. My question is, will he/we still need to be in quarantine? Thanks
Hi Camille. Thanks for visiting our blog. According to the Philippine’s quarantine rules, children below the age of 12 who cannot be vaccinated must follow the quarantine protocols of the parents traveling with them. Since you and your husband are fully vaccinated and do not need to quarantine, your son is not required to quarantine as well. You may also contact the Philippine Bureau of Immigration for more information regarding entry requirements.
I heard the quarantine laws recently changed. I am a US citizen fully vaccinated. I have two questions…
1) Do I still have to quarantine?
2) Will I be admitted with a work visa?
Hi Melo,
Thanks for visiting our blog. If you are traveling to the Philippines from the United States and fully vaccinated, you still need to quarantine at a government approved facility until the result of a RT-PCR test taken on the 5th day of quarantine is released. If the result is negative, you’ll be allowed to continue the quarantine at home until the 10th day. You can check the post for more details about quarantine rules in the Philippines. Regarding your work visa, if it is valid and existing, then you may be allowed to enter the Philippines. We advise that you contact the nearest Philippine Embassy or Consulate in your area to get more information and before attempting travel.
Travel to the Philippines
My legal wife is an ex-Philippine citizen having been “required” to give it up on becoming a Canadian citizen, more years ago than I’m “allowed to divulge”! I’m a naturalized Canadian citizen originally from the UK, a few years ago shall we say! Am I correct in believing my wife can travel “home” without a pre-authorized but will we granted a “tourist” visa on arrival, and that I may accompany her getting a “balikbyan” visa on arrival?
Vaccine “Combo”
Canada considers us “fully” vaccinated against COVID-19 with 1st Dose Pfizer-BioNTech &
2nd Dose Moderna Mrna vaccines, but is this “combo” accepted by the Philippines?
I understand that as we are “fully” vaccinated we will be required to “reside” at a hotel for 7 days with a PCR test on Day 5, and if the PCR test is clear we can then shorten the full 14-day period to 10 days?
Can the hotel be “of our choice” if that hotel provides such facilities, or are their only “designated” hotels to choose from?
At the hotel do we have full access to its facilities such as swimming pool etc if open, or are we “imprisioned” in our rooms for the duration?
Post-Quarantine Travel in the Locale
Are there any restrictions for “ALL” in moving around the locale to say attend golf courses if open, and can we travel by public transport.
Are there any “AGE” restrictions as we are seniors, although the exact ages are a “closely guarded secret”!
Travel to Provences
On arrival into Manila can we “immediately” transfer to the domestic airport for travel to the Provences for quarantine, or do we have to quarantine in Manila before moving on?
Best wishes
William & Lourdes
Hello, William and Lourdes, and thank you for visiting our blog. These are important questions you have, and travel restrictions can certainly be confusing, not to mention constantly changing. We are only able to track a limited set of scenarios, which we post for free on the blog. To answer specific questions beyond what’s in our post, we would recommend working with a travel agent to ensure your trip needs are met. We’ll also see where we can better clarify some of the information in our post in the coming days. Best regards.
I would like to get a visitor visa for the Philippines as I plan to marry my fiancé who is a Philippine resident in January 2022. Can you guide me to websites so that the visa process for the Philippines can be simplified if that is possible, or inexpensive visa service for the Philippines?
Thank you for any help you can provide me.
Hi Anthony. Thank you for your question. As we do not have personal experience using a visa service ourselves, we can only recommend doing a web search for “philippines visa services” and checking for recent user reviews. Perhaps one of our other readers will be able to chime in with a suggestion in the future.
Hi – Is there a quarantine exception offered for emergency travel from the U.S. (fully vaccinated) such as caring for sick/dying family member?
Thanks for visiting our blog. We are not aware of emergency exceptions at this time. With the many changing rules, we have to focus on those that apply to the majority of travelers, so a travel agent or visa service that specializes in the Philippines may be more help for specific scenarios or exceptions.
Hi! Fully vaccinated foreign travellers who have been in a green list country for at least 14 days are allowed to enter the Philippines without any problems as long as they quarantine 7 days in an approved facility, right? So for me who live in Italy, the only way I can currently access the Philippines would be to travel to Albania (green list country) right after I get my second dose, stay there 2 weeks and then fly from Albania to the Philippines.
Hi Andrea, thank you for visiting our blog. That is a very good question. The Philippines’ green lane was created to lessen the quarantine period of fully vaccinated individuals who are allowed to enter in the Philippines. Therefore, it is important to determine first if you belong to any of the traveler categories who can enter the Philippines. For foreign citizens, you must have a valid and existing Philippine visa. If without a visa, you must be a former Filipino or a family member traveling with a former Filipino. You can check the complete details of who can enter the Philippines here.
If you are one of those travelers who are allowed to enter, fully vaccinated, and traveling from Albania or any of the countries in the Philippines’ green list, the quarantine period would only be 7 days.
Hi Ailene and thank you for your kind reply.
I guess I will need a visa and probably an exemption document which I have now idea how to get and if there are any requirements I don’t think I meet them anyway since the purpose of the trip would be to visit my girlfriend hence why I am considered as a mere tourist.
I’m from Arizona currently looking for a way to travel to the Philippines ASAP to marry my fiance. I have my vaild US passport, however found myself needing a tourist visa with a possible certificate of entry as well..would you recommend going through a travel agency, a family member who is Filipino, or waiting for the covid travel restrictions to be lifted? Point me in the right direction or any vaild news will be greatly appreciated. Thanks & God bless.
Hi Chris. Without a valid and existing visa, you would need to wait for restrictions to change. We’ll be sure to update this post as we get more news. In general, we do recommend working with a travel agent who is familiar with Philippine visas to help navigate the ever-changing travel situation these days.
Chris You and so many others are in the same situation. I am looking into flying my Fiance to another country, (Mexico, Columbia or Costa Rica) Getting married there Then fly back together on a Balikbayan Visa.
Hi! We want to visit Philippines in February. If we are vaccinated with 2 doses do we still need to do a covid test? We need to fill out a form before entering the Philippines? but for Boracay? Thank you!
Hello Cristina! Based on the current Philippine travel rules, a booster is no longer required for entry, therefore, you no longer need to provide a negative Covid test. However, you need to register on the Philippines eTravel website and you can register up to three days in advance of your departure. For Boracay, a filled out tourist arrival form, hotel booking, and passport for foreign tourists are required. You can check details here or you may contact the Aklan government through their Facebook page for additional information.
Hi! I was just wondering, are fully vaccinated senior citizen (60 years and older) coming from Canada allowed to enter Philippines? Are there any travel restriction for their age group? Thanks a lot!
Thanks for visiting our blog. We’ve been focusing on requirements primarily for US citizens, as it can vary by country and it’s a challenge to track all the changes. I would double-check with the Canadian State Department and/or a travel agent for more specific guidance. It’s my understanding that the age group restrictions don’t apply for entering the country but rather for going out and about once there – so far this has only been relevant to Philippine residents and will likely change with local vaccination rates eventually.
Hi, thank you for a really good blog. I am fully vaccinated norwegian man, and I wonder if you know anything about when it will be possible to travel to the Philippines. Cebu is a possible destination. If you dont know, because I think no one can know for sure now, what will be your educated guess. I have a close friend I want to visit there.
I’m glad you’ve found our blog helpful. I wish we had more insight as to when things will open up more. Some countries in Southeast Asia have indicated that they may wait until a majority of their own population is vaccinated, so it really is uncertain. We’ll do our best to provide updates here as they come out.
I am a fully-vaccinated US citizen. Do I understand correctly that I can fly into Cebu with no quarantine requirements? What covid-related requirements would I be subjected to (e.g. tests, etc). Thank you!
Hi James. Thank you for visiting our blog. Travelers flying in directly to Cebu don’t have to quarantine at the hotel, provided that they receive a negative test result conducted immediately upon arrival at the airport. Please note that this is applicable only to permitted foreign nationals. We recommend that you contact the local government of Cebu or the Cebu-Mactan International Airport for complete details and requirements. Also, as of today, only US citizens with visa, US citizens who are former Filipinos, and US citizens who are family members and traveling with a Filipino citizen or former Filipino are allowed entry in the Philippines. Please see the Philippine Bureau of Immigration page for complete details. It is also advisable to contact the Philippine Embassy or Consulate in your area for more information and before attempting travel.
My daughter was born in Manila in 2020. What do i need to do to get to the philippines? The philippines embassy in los angelas doesn’t replay to my emails and nobody picks up the phones. please help
Hello and thank you for visiting our blog. We do our best to provide regularly updated information on this post for free to the public, as our small team does not have capacity to provide individualized advice for everyone who requests. If you’re not able to find what you need in the details of our post or through the official resource links we have provided above, many travelers are finding this type of support through travel agents.
I’m from Canada and I’m also a citizen here. I don’t understand why United States citizen foreigners are allowed in the Philippines but not Canadians when their country is much worse with the current situation with the covid virus. Or are Canadians allowed also? Thank you.
Hello and thanks for visiting our blog. Because the majority of our blog readers are from the US and rules do vary by country and change frequently, we have chosen to focus on restrictions for Americans in this particular post. This does not mean other nationalities are excluded from entering the Philippines. I would suggest checking the Canadian State Department website for details that apply to your home country.
Thanks for all the info! Hoping to head to the Philippines December of this year, of course plans are put on hold until then.
I’m planning a trip in August. Do you think the borders will be reopened? If so, I want to go to Iloilo directly, can I quarantine there instead of Manilla even though I have a 1h change (stopover because of a direct flight with terminal as Iloilo) of plane there?
Thank you
Hi. Thanks for visiting our blog. We do our best to keep this post updated as things change, but we don’t have any special insight as to when changes will happen in the future. For advice on specific trip questions that you can’t find in our post, we recommend seeking a professional travel agent. Safe travels.
My American boyfriend planning to come and meet me this coming month of July. He should get a visa in US before coming here in the Philippines or he could get a visa when he landed here in the Philippines then? His destination will be in Kalibo, Aklan. Any idea about the protocols travelling to Kalibo, Aklan? And if he need to be quarantine for 14 days? He’s already fully vaccinated with Moderna vaccine. He is also tested in Covid and had a negative results. Thank you.
Thank you for visiting our blog. Traveling to the Philippines without a visa, unfortunately, that has been temporarily suspended because of the pandemic so he would need to arrange a visa before traveling. You can find details on the Philippine Bureau of Immigration Facebook page. Please note that we are not able to advise travelers regarding specific situations outside of the free information we already provide above. If you’re not able to find answers for your particular trip in our post, we recommend working with a professional travel agent to ensure your personal trip needs are met.
Hello and thank you for visiting our blog. We do our best to provide regularly updated information on this post for free to the public, as our small team does not have capacity to provide individualized advice for everyone who requests. I hope you’ll find what you need in the details of our post or through the official resource links we have provided above. If you need further assistance, many travelers are finding this type of support through travel agents.
i don’t know how accurate your info is as i work with a filipino here in the US and he watches Philip news online and told me that if you fly into Cebu which is where i go not Manila that you get a temp check at the airport and only have to quarantine for 1 day not 14 like u said, also can you answer this question. I being a American and traveling with a passport the bureau of philippines website said if your traveling to the PI for less then 30 days you don]t need a tourist visa just your passport…any truth to that?? Thanks
Hi Will. As a general rule, a mandatory quarantine of 7-14 days is required for persons traveling to the Philippines. In the Province of Cebu, it is true that quarantine is no longer a requirement as of March 31, 2021. However, this is only for repatriated Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and returning non-OFWs. You can visit the Cebu Provincial Tourism Office page for more information about this.
About traveling to the Philippines without a visa, unfortunately, that has been temporarily suspended because of the pandemic. Please check the Philippine Bureau of Immigration Facebook page for information and updates on who are allowed entry into the Philippines at this time.
Thank you so much for the information, that helps a lot….can’t wait to be there, but I know it may get delayed again. Just as long as everyone is safe and protected I can wait. I love the Philippine people, such beautiful souls.
I have rescheduled my trip from USA Arizona to Lapu-Lapu city where I will be staying with my friend who lives there this coming August….4th time rebooking since COVID. I will be there for 3 weeks. I have my COVID vaccination already and got a Hepatitis A vaccine. Do you know what other vaccines are required? Also, will I need to get a Visa since I am on a limited stay? Been trying to get there since last May, but want to be safe for everyone there. I am so looking forward to being with my friend this has been 2 years in the making. Thank you for any information you can give.
Hi Kenneth. I hope your trip will finally come to fruition. As you know, it’s still a difficult time to plan travel and the situation continues to change month to month. According to the State Department, U.S. citizens must have a visa to enter the Philippines for all travel purposes. The best place to find vaccination requirements and recommendations would be through the CDC: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/list
I am a Physician in Mexico with a Philippine wife. She is returning there on May 2. I am wondering what I need to travel only to Manilla in June or July only to accompany her back to Mexico. I would have no problem staying at motel around Manila for the approximately 30 days that I will be there. Any help on this ?
Hello and thanks for visiting the blog. Your ability to enter the Philippines as the spouse of a Filippino citizen in June/July will depend on whether the suspension is lifted for foreign nationals. We will do our best to update this post as the situation changes. Please refer to our post for other protocols and recommended hotels for quarantine in Manila. For further assistance, you may wish to work with a travel agent.
Planning to come home to the Philippines on May from a very long time (1982) since I left PI.. I am now a Us Passport holder, am I qualified as a Philippine balikbayan? Do I need to get a Philippine visa? Is my husband the same?
Hi Nimfa. Thanks for visiting our blog! Under the Philippines Balikbayan Program, you are considered a “balikbayan”. You can visit the Philippines and stay for 1 year without a visa. Your husband can also get the same privilege as long as he is traveling with you.
However, please take note that traveling to the Philippines has been recently suspended until April 19, 2021. Check our blog for updates on who will be allowed entry in May. We also advise that you contact the nearest Philippine Embassy or Consulate in your area for more information and before attempting travel.
With vaccines starting to arrive in PI and some places starting to make roll out plans- Any idea when tourist visas will start to be processed again and citizens will be able to take a trips out of PI?
Hi Dan. Thank you for your question, but I’m afraid we don’t have any special insight about when the Philippines will make changes to travel protocols.
i am now in the us, i left manila last march and coming back in april, do i still need to book a hotel for quarantine? most articles i see are for ofw’s and balikbayans.
also, do you know kung sino sasagot ng food ng magku-quarantine? coz hindi makakalabas yun tao to buy food and water. just wondering.
Hi Cher. Yes, you still need a confirmed booking at any accredited quarantine hotel in Metro Manila for at least 7 days (or 6 nights) from the date of your arrival. This is to accommodate the schedule of your RT-PCR test (which will be on the 5th day) and the release of the result. Your food during your stay at the hotel will be at your own expense. You may also have food from outside the hotel delivered to your room, but you need to check with the rules and regulations of the hotel first if it is allowed.
You may check the Philippine Airlines or the Philippines Travel website for the complete guidelines. I hope this helps.
Hello Is there a list of the hotels like in Manila or Subic that might be quarantine hotels and what the costs would be for the 14 day duration.
Hi Bob. The current list of accredited hotels by the Bureau of Quarantine can be found here: http://quarantine.doh.gov.ph/facilities-inspected-as-of-february-18-2021/ You would need to look up the costs for individual hotels that interest you.
What is the best website to get Current travel updates for traveling to the Philippines this spring if possible.
Hi and thanks for visiting our blog. We are doing our best to update this post on a weekly basis with current information about travel to the Philippines. Your home country’s State Department website is probably the most reliable source. To get an official answer for your Spring travel, you can contact the nearest Philippine Embassy or Consulate (if in the United States).
The Philippine Airlines website is the most up to date regarding travel restrictions.
If one has had a coronavirus vaccine in the US, can one come to the Philippines without the need to quarantine and have the Covid test? I should have my second round of the Moderna vaccine on March 4th. Could I travel to the Philippines shortly after that time if I have a card proving that I had the vaccine?
That is a good question and I think many are wondering the same thing about other destinations as well. We can’t predict when the Philippines will reopen to travelers, nor what they will choose to require in terms of vaccines. From what I’ve read, I would guess that most destinations will continue to require a Covid test regardless of the vaccine since the timeline for immunity after vaccination is still uncertain.
I look forward to the country opening again. It is certainly one of my favorites!
Can I book myself on June or July to go to manila since they ( Department of Tourism ) mencioned that they will reopen the country for international tourism around June so ????
Hi Ricardo. We cannot predict if you’ll be able to fly into Manila at that time. What we personally are doing is making sure any flight we book is fully refundable, or can at least be changed to a later date without change fees if travel is not allowed for our original flight date. This will depend on the particular airline’s terms and conditions.
Do you know when is the date or anything that the Philippine government is gonna let foreigners for tourism cause I’ve been planning this trip for a year and its getting the people so angry that we cant go to the Philippines and nobody can give me a straight up answer.
Hi Clint. Thanks for your question. We know how frustrating it can be to have travel plans up in the air. Unfortunately, most countries do not have set dates for opening tourism yet because so much depends on ever-changing situations, both domestically and internationally.
Covid is spreading rapidly and nobody is vaccinated there stay home and keep you and the Philippines safer
The Philippines has no intention of opening up to tourism any time soon. The president has said that when the country is between 70 to 80 percent vaccinated it will reopen the country it currently is at 19%. So if you want to take a vacation start thinking of an alternative destination or your going to be waiting for at least a year.